The 3 Salesforce CRM features every auto dealer loves

Have you heard of Salesforce and wondered how it might be able to help your auto dealership grow? Or, have you been searching for a better customer relationship management (CRM) package that combines sales, service, employee scheduling, and so much more into one cost-effective solution?
If so, then you were probably bound to find SaltClick (formerly EMZ Cloud Solutions) sooner or later. That’s because we are the top Salesforce implementation partner for the auto dealership industry. Our business is built on helping clients just like you use this powerful software to close more deals, earn more service revenue, and generate better data-driven insights.
We love talking about Salesforce and what it can do for auto dealers. But we know that many of the business owners and executives who arrive on our website haven’t made the leap yet. In fact, most of them find us after becoming frustrated with outdated software packages that come from auto manufacturers that don’t give them enough control. If that sounds like you, then take a moment to consider what might be possible if you switch to something better.
3 Salesforce Features You’ll Love After You Make the Switch:
Every auto dealership is different, of course, but with 10+ years of experience (and a former auto executive on staff) we have learned that most of our clients want the same things. Here are three aspects of Salesforce implementation they rave about again and again:
#1 Contact management that makes sense
Have you ever wondered how much easier life would be if one of your salespeople could see what another had done or said in the past? Have you thought about what could happen if your sales and service managers could share information with each other in real time? Salesforce makes contact sharing a reality. That means your dealership no longer misses out on sales or service revenue because opportunities are falling through the cracks. Most of our clients think this feature alone makes it worth the decision to switch.
#2 Automated scheduling and follow-ups
What happens when your salesperson meets a buyer who isn’t quite ready to make a decision yet? How often does someone in your service department schedule the wrong appointment time or duration, leading to angry customers and service techs. With Salesforce, scheduling and follow-up can be automated. Your team can change the details when they need to, but it eliminates the time-related issues that plague most auto dealers without advanced CRM tools.
#3 Advanced data and analytics.
Ever find yourself wondering whether your dealership is doing as well as it could be? Or, are you looking for places to cut costs and boost revenue but can’t find the answers buried in spreadsheet data? Salesforce makes it easy to generate (and understand) the custom reports you need. You can even use AI-assisted tools for marketing and analysis if you want to. Either way, you get the information you need at your fingertips, and in a format that won’t leave you needing a translation.
Want More Specifics on Salesforce Implementation for Auto Dealers? We have the answers you need. Contact the SaltClick team to schedule a free consultation today. We might be able to change the way you think about the future of your auto dealership in just an hour!
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