Salesforce Services
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Salesforce Managed Services: The secret to higher Salesforce ROI?

Ever wondered how businesses boost their Salesforce ROI and climb to unimagined heights? The answer: Salesforce Managed Services.

Understanding Salesforce managed services

Salesforce Managed Services act as an extension of your in-house team, relieving you of the strain of day-to-day Salesforce management. Their purpose?

To free you to focus on your core business. Managed Services consultants take care of customization, administration, support, and whatever else is needed to drive your Salesforce success.

Benefits of Salesforce managed services

  • Improved productivity,
  • reduced costs,
  • and expert support (to name a few).

Key features of Salesforce managed services

Salesforce Managed Services can offer a host of features like:

  • Ongoing support,
  • administration,
  • routine checks,
  • custom development,
  • and even user training.

Most importantly…

Managed Services can (and should) be tailored to your needs

For example, you may not need 60-80 support hours a month. You may only need 10-15. So you wouldn’t have to get stuck spending 6-10 times more than you need with us. Our experts work with you to understand your Salesforce goals and translate those goals into recommended hours per month. We also believe in the “teach to fish” philosophy and helping your users master Salesforce so that you can use our expertise in the areas with the greatest business impact.

The best part?
You won’t be constrained by packages that only consider activities. With us, you get an embedded partner—and our expertise gets applied where you need it.
And with shifting markets and evolving business objectives, having that kind of flexibility means your investment is being well spent.

Who needs Salesforce managed services?

Every industry and every size of business can find value in Salesforce Managed Services.
Whether you’re a start-up trying to establish your Salesforce foundation or an enterprise aiming to streamline operations, there’s a place for you.

How to choose the right partner

The right provider is KEY. Look for experience, expertise, a solid understanding of your industry, and, most importantly, a culture that aligns with your values.

Implementing Salesforce managed services

Start by assessing your Salesforce environment, establish goals and KPIs, then move on to customization, training, and continuous support.

Salesforce managed services case studies

Now, let’s dive into two transformative Managed Services customer success stories.

SaltClick Customer: Prime Corporate Services

Prime Corporate Services (PCS) faced a common issue among growing businesses – siloed systems and a lack of cohesion. After partnering with SaltClick, they consolidated their disparate data sources, streamlined processes, and grew their business from 25 employees to nearly 200.

The outcome?

PCS doubled in size, their ROI skyrocketed, and they’re ready for more growth. They rave about SaltClick’s understanding of their unique challenges and ability to identify and fix inefficiencies.

“SaltClick is among the best implementation and Salesforce consultants that we’ve ever worked with. We’ve worked with them for four years now, and we’re never looking back. You’re honestly just in good hands with them because they have the talent and the ability to maximize Salesforce to its capabilities.”
Darren Jaynes, COO, Prime Corporate Services

SaltClick Customer: FlexFleet Rental

FlexFleet Rental faced the daunting task of optimizing their technology systems to handle exponential growth. After working with SaltClick, they managed to unlock the full potential of Salesforce, revamp their customer portal, and grow their business significantly—even during the pandemic.

Our work transformed FlexFleet Rental’s operations, leading to record highs in fleet size, the number of truck drivers, and revenue. The company anticipates continued growth and expansion into new markets thanks to the solid foundation built with us.

"Our engagement with SaltClick has been instrumental in our growth. The value created by their work has been immense. I have nothing but positive things to say about our collaboration."  - Parker Spendlove, CTO, FlexFleet Rental

“If somebody were to ask me if SaltClick is a good partner, I would say absolutely. Honestly, from my experience and what we’ve done at FlexFleet Rental with SaltClick, I can’t imagine it can actually be kind of scary for me because the work that we’ve done with them has absolutely transformed our company.”
– Parker Spendlove, CTO, FlexFleet

Get started

Watch your business change and grow with the guidance of our Managed Services experts. We've helped businesses across industries tap into the full potential of their Salesforce investments, and we can help you too.

Why wait? Get in touch to learn more about SaltClick Managed Services.

Achieve your business goals with SaltClick

Get in touch to learn more about our Salesforce solutions and how we can help you.

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