How to make your auto dealership’s transition to Salesforce easier

There are many reasons an auto dealership owner or manager might want to make the transition to Salesforce as their CRM of choice. It’s a powerful software that can help to improve sales, better manage service departments, and make scheduling follow-up activities painless. For all these benefits, though, new clients tend to come into the process with one major point of concern: how difficult will it be to transition from their current system to something better? In other words, will there be a difficult transition that will make the project slow or expensive?
We will start by telling you that making the move to Salesforce is probably easier and less expensive than you might think. And certainly, our clients tell us again and again how glad they are to have taken the leap toward something effective and more efficient. We know this is a lingering concern for many auto dealers, however, we also want to provide a few tips you can use to help the process along. Let’s look at a few ways you can make your auto dealership’s transition to Salesforce easier.
Commit to life with a better CRM
Although we definitely advise you to look at demos and other hands-on tools before you make any decision about your CRM, we think it’s best to jump in headfirst after you make up your mind. In other words, commit to future possibilities and step ahead with confidence.
The reason for this is straightforward: change is always hard. You’re going to have some employees who’ll resist the shift to something new, even if it’s an improvement. Don’t give them the option of stepping backward, within a couple of weeks you’ll be glad to be working with a better set of tools.
Design the workflows you need from the beginning
There’s so much Salesforce can do for your auto dealership beyond helping you keep track of customers and scheduling appointments. Most of those features are easier to take advantage of if you configure them correctly once you first install the software.
Not only does the right setup help you use more tools, but it also ensures that your staff can take advantage of the various pieces and components from day one. That means you’ll start enjoying the rewards faster, which brings us to our final point.
Work with the right implementation partner
Although Salesforce is an incredibly powerful addition to your dealership, it’s designed to adapt to virtually any industry or business setting. SaltClick can offer both programming knowledge and industry know-how to get you started.
Without the right implementation partner Salesforce can seem a bit overwhelming. However, with the right vendor guiding you through the process it’s an easy upgrade that unlocks new profits and possibilities within your company. The bottom line? A team like ours can help you find the right solutions and use them effectively.
The first step is the simplest
Interested in learning more about the possibilities of Salesforce for your auto dealership? Contact our team today to schedule a free consultation and get the personalized answers you need.
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